Saturday, August 8, 2009

Music from the End of the World

So apparently there is a (very, very) small trend on youtube to take post-rock songs by the likes of Godspeed You! Black Emperor and translate them to songs that can be played on an acoustic guitar. Granted, some of the magnificence is lost, but its good to know in the event of an apocalypse, either zombie or other, I'll still have a chance to see some of my favorite songs preformed live.

My favorite so far is Blaise Bailey Finnegan III by Gihm. Others include a decent rendering of the Sad Mafioso section of East Hastings and Moya.

A nice post-apocalyptic song from The Decemberists.

Note to self: invent new genre of music, called post-apocalypse rock, then decide if that means only using instruments that would be readily available in an end-of-the-world scenario or just being concerned with tone/lyrical content. Right now I'm thinking it'd be like post-rock, only bleaker, with way more homemade kazoo solos. Paper towel tubes, wax paper, and rubber bands for the win!

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