Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about moving lately. We'll see what comes of it.

People fleeing Manhattan.

A resource for and about Displaced People.

Sanctuary Cities
. I know I've posted this before, but I really like it.

Ravenstein's 5 Laws of Human Migration.
  1. every migration flow generates a return or countermigration.
  2. the majority of migrants move a short distance.
  3. migrants who move longer distances tend to choose big-city destinations
  4. urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas.
  5. families are less likely to make international moves than young adults.

Roma Anthem -

I went, I went on long roads
I met happy Roma
O Roma where do you come from,
With tents on happy roads?

O Roma, O brothers

I once had a great family,
The Black Legion murdered them
Come with me Roma from all the world
For the Roma roads have opened
Now is the time, rise up Roma now,
We will rise high if we act

O Roma, O brothers

Mono - Follow the Map

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